Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

How Prepare Writing Tasks of Next Generation TOEFL

The writing section of the next generation TOEFL test measures your ability to write
in English in an academic setting. There are two writing tasks in the Next Generation
TOEFL test:
♦ Writing based on reading and listening
♦ Writing based on your own knowledge and experience
This book contains detailed explanations on how to prepare for the knowledge and
experience based writing task (e.g. the independent writing task), as well as 185
sample essays written on all the ETS official essay topics. This book will also walk
you through on how to write the reading and listening based writing task (the new
addition to the TOEFL test).

In the following chapters, we will take you through steps on how to organize your
ideas, form an outline and develop organization, write the essay, and finally proofread your essay.
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