Senin, 03 Mei 2010

tricks registry windows XP collection

95 tips and tricks registry windows XP

There are many secrets hidden in the MS Windows XP. for example, how to change the function of the stop button to function play on windows media player, clear all existing icon on the desktop, replace AM and PM into morning and afternoon, to make their own menu, hide the facility advenced options on windows explorer and much more.
This book covers 95 registry tips and tricks that will make MS Windows XP appear more special and e
xclusive. Here you will find a variety of ways to be creative in the start menu, desktop, control panel, games, applications, internet and so forth to make it look more leverage.
This book was written with a style that is relaxed and easy to understand,,,
this is the book you should read

source: " Elex media Komputindo "

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