The name Abu Nawas was so popular that the stories contain many are ascribed humor comes from the Abu Nawas. People like Abu Nawas capable of dealing with complex issues with the style of humor or even political humor proved not only in Baghdad countries. We know the Sheikh similar Juha piawainya with Abu Nawas also the Sufi Hoja Nasaruddin a funny but smart. We also Kabayari known in the West Java silly but proved too smart. Abu Nawas! After the dead were still able to make people laugh. In front his tomb there is a locked gate with a huge padlock. But on either side of the fence gate holes so people can free entry to visit his grave. What does that mean he's doing so. Maybe it is the symbol of Abu Nawas character who seemed closed 3 but actually open, there is something mysterious in itself Abu Nawas, he does not look like ordinary people, and some even believe that the simplicity he is a Sufi teacher, but he remained close to consistency even commoners to defend the weak and oppressed. So many other stories to be adopted so that the story of Abu Nawas sometimes these stories do not make sense even too painful the east, I suspect maybe the stories of Abu Nawas is very strange deliberately created by the Orientalists to bad-mouth Islamic society Therefore, reading the story of Abu Nawas we must critically and alert.
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