Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Dreamweaver learning | Dreamweaver Exercise


Dreamweaver Exercises

This exercise aims to use Dreamweaver to create a site locally and to create and edit web documents. This exercise is used for learn the basic skills needed to build a Web site and learn some of the capabilities of the Dreamweaver 3.
In this exerc
ise you will create a website for a fictitious company that is Scaal Coffee, a company that sells coffee. When visiting the web site Scall, consumers will read about the company, see what's special each
week, and look Scaal product catalog online

inthis chance You will learn several tasks, namely:
1. Determining local site
2. Create a document
3. Using layers to organize the layout of a page
4. Changing the layer tables
5. Adding a new behavior (behavior) to an image

6. Importing an HTML document Microsoft Word
7. Formatting text with HTML Style
8. Creating a site map
9. Creating Links
10. Applying templates
11. Creating a jump menu.

to get a list of exercises like the one above,
You can directly download the file at the following link:

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1 komentar: on "Dreamweaver learning | Dreamweaver Exercise"

Anonim mengatakan...

thank`s for share,, nice post

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